
Active Learning

What is Active Learning?

Active learning 这个术语是用来分类那些通过使用积极的学习技巧使学生参与学习过程的教学方法吗. Students move beyond simply listening, watching, and taking notes to actively engage with course content and one another; activities may include writing, problem-solving, discussion, or presentation (Felder & Brent, 2009).

有许多教学方法,教师可以借鉴,以使学生积极参与课堂, including:

  • Case-based instruction
  • Collaborative learning
  • Cooperative learning
  • Flipped classroom
  • Problem-based learning
  • Team-based learning

Research on Active Learning


  1. Blasco-Arcas, L. Buil, I., Hernandez-Ortega, B., Sese, F.J. (2013). Using clickers in class: The role of interactivity, active collaborative learning and engagement in learning performance. Computers & Education, 62, 102-110 doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.10.019.
  2. Camiel, L.D., Mistry, A., Schnee, D., Tataronis, G., Taglieri, C.,  Zaiken, K…. Goldman, J. (2016). Students’ attitudes, 在一个非常大的自我保健课程重新设计中的学习成绩和对内容交付的偏好. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 80(4). doi: 10.5688/ajpe80467.
  3. Freeman, S., Eddy, S.L., McDonough, M., Smith, M.K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M.P., (2014). 主动学习可以提高学生在科学、工程和数学方面的成绩. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415.
  4. Lucas, K.H., Testman, J.A., Hoyland, M.N., Kimble, A.M., & Euler, M.L. (2013). 主动学习课程与学生在高级药学实践经验中保留核心内容的相关性. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77(8). doi: 10.5688/ajpe778171.
  5. McCarty, J.P., & Anderson, L. (2000). 主动学习技术与传统教学:历史和政治学的两个实验. Innovative Higher Education, 24(4), 279-294.
  6. Stewart, D.W., Brown, S.D., Cheri W. Clavier, & Wyatt, J. (2011). Active-learning processes used in US pharmacy education. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 75(4). doi: 10.5688/ajpe75468.

Resources on Active Learning


Gleason, B.L., Peeters, M.J., Resman-Targoff, B.H., Karr, S., McBane, S., Kelley, K…. Denetclaw, T.H., 2011
>> This is a pharmacy-specific resource for implementing active learning that was published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.

How Can You Incorporate Active Learning Into Your Classroom?
University of Michigan's Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
>> This two-page resource describes 18 different active learning techniques and arranges them by complexity and classroom time commitment.

Making Active Learning Work
University of Minnesota's Center for Educational Innovation
>> This tutorial provides an overview of active learning, suggestions for overcoming student resistance to active learning, tips for managing time and the classroom, examples of best practices, and strategies for implementation. 

Self-Directed Guide for Designing Courses for Significant Learning 
>> Dee Fink and Associates.

7 Things You Should Know About Collaborative Learning Spaces
>> The new classrooms in the Holland Building are collaborative learning spaces enabling the use of pedagogical methods that make it easier and more exciting for students to explore course content and engage with one another. The 7 Things 文档提供了协作空间的简要概述,以及它们如何使教学和学习环境受益.

Team-Based Learning Collaborative
>> An organization dedicated to the study and practice of team-based learning. 

Building Innovative Learning Spaces

传统的教学方法并不是让学习者为21世纪做好准备的最有效的方法st century; employers demand knowledge workers with critical thinking, problem-solving, 沟通技巧可以帮助员工跟上技术和信息/知识的变化. To effectively infuse these skills into the curriculum, ACPHS创建了三个新的教室空间,供学生练习, discover, 合作解决现实世界的问题,同时获得持续的反馈,以增强学习过程.

Gina Garrison, Pharm D, Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, and Jennifer McVay-Dyche, PhD, Executive Director in the Center for Innovative Learning, met with Dr. Greg Dewey, President of the College, 讨论这些新教室空间在满足21世纪需求方面的作用st century learners.

Dialogues with Dewey: Innovative Learning and Classrooms Show from ACPHS on Vimeo.

Q: How do I request the classroom?

A: Classroom requests must be sent to your department chair.  系主任将收集所有课程申请,并将其提交给注册主任进行安排.

Q: How many whiteboards are available in a room? Do I have to set them up? Are they already set up? Do they move?  

A:每个房间的七台显示器之间有五块白板挂在墙上.  There are also two, double-sided portable whiteboards in each room.


A: Room set-up will be the responsibility of the instructors. 将有三个“首选”布局,将有在房间里的标志,将图表这些布局. Students will be expected to assist in the set-up. 教师将被鼓励与在他们之前和之后安排在教室里的同事交流. 

Q: How does technology support the active classrooms?

A:这些空间的技术设计是为了促进主动学习模式, emphasizing small group work and ease of movement throughout the space. 每个教室都内置了高质量的显示器和强大的无线网络功能. 考虑到这些房间没有在其他空间使用传统的Tandberg设备, 与全球任何其他地点的视频连接将使用基于互联网的工具,如Blackboard, Skype, etc.

Q: What technology is available to faculty?

答:教师不仅可以在教室前面的大显示器上显示内容, but to also push that content to monitors available at each team table. Although the lecturer is encouraged to move, 将在演讲台设置摄像机,必要时进行录像和网络直播. 将为分配到活跃课堂的每位教员提供实际操作技术培训.

Q: What technology is available to the student?

答:学生使用房间的目的是几乎完全无线化. 访问网络和将内容从个人计算机传送到团队桌面显示器的能力都将无需电缆即可完成, adapters, etc.

Q: Can rooms be used for clubs or organizations, meetings, etc.?

A:这些房间可以像校园里的其他教室和演讲厅一样安排, through Meeting Room Manager.  教务处将优先安排课程安排.


答:教职员工将能够通过会议室管理器安排这些房间进行教育和/或课外活动. When these rooms are not reserved in Meeting Room Manager, they can be used similarly to the Princeton Classrooms by students, faculty and staff.



Training and Support

教学培训和教学设计支持可以通过创新学习中心获得. 了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱的平台教师培训或安排设计咨询,以探索主动学习技术, please contact the Center for Innovative Learning at