Online Student Support

Getting Ready for Online Courses

What to Expect

在线教育为学生提供了一个灵活的结构,可以在任何有可靠互联网连接的地方完成学位或证书课程. In fully online courses, 学生不需要前往校园,可以通过参加活动和在学习管理系统(LMS)中提交作业来完成课程。.  这使得有工作或其他白天义务的学生有机会在下班时间完成课程.  Online courses provide a flexible, alternative learning environment, which yields the same course quality, credits and learning outcomes as traditional courses.

Some advantages of online education include:

  • Convenience - complete coursework at your own pace, during your preferred time of day, and from any location with Internet access
  • 协作——通过与同伴和导师的动态互动来学习
  • 联系——通过发展与导师和其他学生的关系来扩大你的专业联系网络

你的课程将包含与你的特定课程相关的各种活动. Some of these assignments may include reading articles, watching videos, participating in virtual classrooms, contributing to discussions, writing papers, and collaborating with peers for group projects. 在讨论与课程内容相关的话题时,你将经常与老师和同学互动, your personal experience, and real world applications. 您还将从您的导师那里获得详细的反馈,以帮助指导和完善您的学习.

As in a traditional class, the instructor will provide a syllabus, 课程时间表和完成课程所需的其他信息. 在线教师必须为您提供参与课程活动和提交作业的明确期望和详细说明. You are expected to adhere to the policies outlined in the syllabus. 坚持课程——在课程表规定的截止日期前提交作业.

在线课程旨在提供与传统课程相同的严谨性和学习效果. 许多学生认为,由于网络课程的独特特点,它们更具挑战性,学习水平也更高. 与传统的面对面课程相比,以下是在线学习独特的几个主要方面:

I. Communication
在线课程通常不需要与老师或同学面对面交流. 沟通主要是通过电子方式进行的,如电子邮件, chats and discussion boards. Web conferencing technology, like Zoom, 有时使用,但并不总是主要的交流方式. With this is mind, 对你来说,能够自如地使用科技与他人交流是很重要的.

你可能会发现,熟悉社交媒体可以帮助你在在线课程中进行成功的互动. Interaction is required and often graded in online courses. 你应该期望通过提问来积极参与活动, forming and supporting arguments, and coordinating group assignments. 定期参加课程活动,这将有助于你跟上学习进度.

有些人认为在线学习没有人情味,对建立人际关系持怀疑态度. 许多学生发现,在课程讨论中频繁而丰富的交流使在线学习体验更有意义. 通过这些在线互动形成的关系往往比在传统课程中更加牢固.

II. Independent Learning
Due to the flexible nature of online courses, you will not have immediate access to your instructor at all times. 反馈不是即时的,问题可能不会立即得到回答. 你需要自我激励和自力更生,以便根据给定的指示完成任务和活动.

Use your problem-solving abilities, study skills, 和可用的资源来帮助你在没有老师的情况下进步. 培养这些重要的技能和特点将有助于你在在线课程和学位课程中取得成功.

III. Use of Technology
Since online courses are conducted through the internet, 熟悉如何使用诸如计算机之类的常用技术工具是很重要的, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Online courses require a desktop or laptop, but many activities can be completed using a mobile device. Basic computer functions such as file management, browsing the web, word processing, creating presentation slides, 使用电子表格通常是完成作业的一部分.

你还应该能够自如地通过电子邮件和各种社交媒体工具与老师和同学交流. 在线学习的这些独特功能可能具有挑战性,但也提供了磨练你在这些领域能力的机会. 发展你的书面交流和自我激励能力以及成为技术通是在线教育的有益方面,这将为你未来的专业工作提供帮助.



Before starting online classes, 您应该确保您有适当的硬件和软件规格来参加您的课程. 你需要一台笔记本电脑或台式电脑来完成所有的在线活动. 手机和平板电脑等移动设备不足以完成所有在线课程

  • 内存1gb以上,机龄不超过5年的个人电脑
  • Web browser that is compatible with Canvas
  • Microsoft Office (available for free to enrolled students)
  • Campus email access
  • Strong high-speed internet connection and Internet cable 
  • Printer
  • Headset with microphone for Zoom meetings and office hours
  • Webcam (optional for some classes)

You will also need basic computer skills such as:

  • File management (opening, saving, organizing files)
  • Email (open, send, attach and send files)
  • Word processing skills
  • Searching, browsing, and using appropriate internet resources



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