
2023 Award Recipients

2023年的得奖者将在校友庆祝晚宴上领奖 周末聚会 on Saturday, September 30th at The Desmond Hotel 在纽约州奥尔巴尼.

For more information, please visit the following pages:

If you have any questions, please contact alumni@kuanlin-engineering.net.


Distinguished 校友 Recipients

哈维·阿比特,1970年, 气道, PharmD, 工商管理硕士

A veteran of the pharmaceutical industry, 哈维·阿比特,1970年, 气道, PharmD, 工商管理硕士, has devoted more than 40 years to regulatory affairs, 临床 research, quality assurance, and product development.

He is the founder of, and a consulting partner for, Arbit咨询, 有限责任公司, 也是明尼苏达大学药学院药学护理和卫生系统系的兼职教授.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Albany College of Pharmacy; a PharmD from Duquesne University; and an 工商管理硕士 from Northern Illinois University. 他在匹兹堡UPMC仁慈医院完成了临床医院药房的住院医师培训, 宾西法尼亚.

菲利普Hritcko ’83, 气道, PharmD

菲利普Hritcko ’83, 气道, PharmD, 现任康涅狄格大学药学院院长兼药学实践临床教授, where he has been on faculty since 2003. 在担任临时院长一年后,他于2020年被任命为院长.

Dr. Hritcko也是康涅狄格州药剂师协会(CPA)的活跃成员和前任主席. 他是2019年美国注册会计师协会(APhA)卫生碗奖的获得者. 除了, 他在2021年被公认为哈特福德商业杂志的医疗保健英雄之一,因为他在社区服务领域的工作, advocacy and policy.

他得了B.S. 奥尔巴尼药学院以优异成绩获得药学博士学位. 

罗斯·佐贝尔·朗 ’69, 气道

罗斯·佐贝尔·朗 ’69 气道, has served in the pharmacy field for 43 years encompassing retail, 独立的, 医院, and the managed career arena. 她的职业生涯充满了正直、尊重、协作和社区精神.

Lang担任帕金森基金会志愿者和佛罗里达东南部地区顾问, promoting Hospital Care Initiatives, community outreach, and the rollout of CE/online learning for healthcare professionals.  她继续利用她的专业知识和领导能力,通过出版每周通讯和为当地支持团体提供研讨会来提高人们对帕金森病的认识, home care facilities, and 医院 healthcare personnel.

她得了B.S. 在奥尔巴尼药学院获得药学学位,并担任1969届毕业生的告别辞代表.


Outstanding Young 校友 Recipients

Tasmina Hydery
Tasmina Hydery ’11, PharmD, 工商管理硕士, BCGP

Tasmina Hydery ’11, PharmD, 工商管理硕士, BCGP, 目前担任AmerisourceBergen的数字解决方案副总监, she is a team lead with FormularyDecisions®, 促进生物制药公司和医疗保健决策者之间信息交换的数字平台.

Dr. Hydery目前在波士顿大学的MCPHS (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and 健康科学)担任教职,此前曾在波士顿学院康奈尔护理学院和马萨诸塞大学医学院任职. 她还为价值和准入战略的咨询服务做出贡献,帮助生物制药公司展示产品临床和经济价值,改善市场和患者准入.

Dr. Hydery于2013年获得Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学的药学博士学位,以及Boston College Carroll School of Management的工商管理硕士学位. 

扎卡里·海克斯,16岁, PharmD

扎卡里·海克斯,16岁, PharmD, 目前在撒玛利亚医院奥尔巴尼纪念校园抗凝管理诊所担任药剂师, an Anticoagulation Center of Excellence. Dr. Hecox is also a per diem pharmacist at Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital.

他为ACPHS的高级药学实践经验学生药剂师授课, University of Connecticut, University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy, Binghamton University, and Creighton University. Dr. 海克斯是首都救援任务免费诊所和蒂姆·蒂博的“闪耀之夜”的志愿者.

他在Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学 (ACPHS)获得药学博士学位,并持有国家抗凝认证委员会颁发的认证抗凝护理提供者学位.


Community and Collaboration Recipient

Vincent “Chuck” DiTrapano
Vincent “Chuck” DiTrapano ’69, 气道

Vincent “Chuck” DiTrapano ’69, 气道, 是一名药剂师, seasoned healthcare executive, 老兵, and the founder of RxToolKit.

His passion for medication safety, 临床 competency, 2007年,他差点批准了一名患者的输液疗法,该疗法包含一个严重的计算错误,这进一步深化了流程改进. His near miss led him to befriend Eric Cropp and Chris Jerry, 后来,他成为艾米丽·杰里基金会的董事会成员和财务主管, 一个非营利组织,致力于提高人们对可预防的药物错误的认识,并寻求立法促进临床医生的适当教育.

他得了B.S. in Pharmacy from Albany College of Pharmacy. 


Friend of the College Award Recipient

Bob “书店 Bob” Kern

鲍勃·克恩 came to Albany College of Pharmacy in November of 1997, and quickly earned the nickname "书店 Bob" by Tom Weaver, a former ACPHS employer.

During his 25-year tenure at ACPHS, he helped to move the bookstore three separate times, 担任校篮球队队长二十年, 2006年,他参与了奥尔巴尼法学院和拉塞尔塞奇学院的合并, and estimates to have served more than 55,000年ACPHS, Albany Law School and Russell Sage College students.

In 2006, 他获得了Follett Higher Education Group颁发的“PR Litzsinger年度最佳门店经理”奖.


Student-Centered Values Award Recipient

加里维. 大厅
加里维. 57号厅,皇家哲学博士

加里维. 57号厅,皇家哲学博士, holds state pharmacist registrations in Vermont, New York and Florida practicing in both community and 医院 pharmacies.

He has served as a research pharmacist specializing in inhalation aerosols, injectable products, 斯特林温斯洛普 研究所的包装问题,也曾担任奥尔巴尼药学院的讲师, advancing in rank to full professor. 他被选为 学院主席超过10年,并在成立的第一年被学生团体 选为年度教师. 他还与策展人一起参与了Throop药房博物馆的翻新工作, 李·安娜·奥博斯.

He earned his 气道 in pharmacy from Albany College of Pharmacy. During his time at ACPHS, he was editor-in-chief of yearbook Alembic Pharmakon, became a member of the pharmaceutical fraternity, Kappaψ, and was elected to RhoChi, the national pharmacy honor society. 霍尔随后获得了费城药学与科学学院药学教育和药物开发硕士学位.


Integrity Values Award Recipient

Stephen J少校. 沙利文
Stephen J少校. 沙利文的16, PharmD

Stephen J少校. 沙利文的16, PharmD, is the Flight Commander of Diagnostics and Therapeutics, assigned to the 412th Medical Group, Edwards Air Force Base, 加州. In this role, he is responsible for 17 personnel and manages a $4.500万预算, 70年调剂,000 prescriptions, 115,000 laboratory tests, 和2,400 radiology scans for 7,100 patients annually.

He earned a PharmD from Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学.

Following graduation, Dr. 沙利文被任命为空军,并在麦克斯韦空军基地完成了他的军官训练. 训练后, 他来到霍洛曼空军基地,担任药房部门主管,直到2019年. Dr. 沙利文 was then stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson, 阿拉斯加, serving in various positions including outpatient, 临床, and inpatient pharmacy chief from 2019-22.


Respect Values Award Recipient

Steven Bellantoni
Steven Bellantoni ’84, 气道

Steven Bellantoni ' 84,注册医学博士,是纽约Hopewell Junction的Hopewell药店的老板. Founded with his wife in 2017, 尽管连锁药店激增,但社区药房仍在逐年增长. They work closely with Hospice to care for patients countywide.

在此之前,Bellantoni在Rite 援助 pharmacy担任药房经理长达35年.

Bellantoni于1984年从奥尔巴尼药学院获得了理学硕士学位,多年来一直非常幸运地指导了几位药学学生, including a 2023 ACPHS graduate and an anticipated 2024 doctoral candidate.